
玩家操作的角色在《机甲战魔 》中被称为“outer”,是被特殊能量影响的人类。人类世界因为月球的陨落出现了新的能量,AI开始不明原因地与人类进行战斗。玩家可以驾驶机甲在空中或陆地自由战斗,通过捡取敌人掉落的武器、部件,随时随地更换战斗方式。




• DAEMON X MACHINA - Metallic Equipment Set

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal - "Crusader"

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal - "Muramasa"

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal - "Rabbit 11"

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal Patterns Bundle

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Suit - "Camouflage Plugsuit"

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Suit - "Formal Attire"

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Hairstyles Bundle 1

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Hairstyles Bundle 2

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Facial Features Bundle 1

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Facial Features Bundle 2

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal Decals Bundle

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Outer Emotes Set

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Arsenal Decals Bundle - The Brushstrokes of

• DAEMON X MACHINA - Prototype Arsenal Set


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