- 动作冒险加尔德维尔编年史/Chronicles of Galdurvale查看
- 动作冒险狂野之心/WILD HEARTS查看
- 动作冒险火与钢/Fire and Steel查看
- 动作冒险影子武士3豪华版/Shadow Warrior 3 Deluxe Edition查看
- 策略站棋元素孤旅/Elemental Exiles查看
- 动作冒险马拉维拉岛的奇禽异兽/Beasts of Maravilla Island查看
- 策略站棋王国保卫战5:联盟/Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance TD查看
- 动作冒险驯龙高手:九界龙族传/DreamWorks Dragons: Legends Nine Realms查看
- 动作冒险空战猎鹰/The Falconeer查看
- 动作冒险龙钢锻炉/Dragon Forge查看
- 动作冒险权力的游戏/Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series查看
- 动作冒险展翅飞翔:英雄诞生/On the Wings - Birth of a Hero查看
- 动作冒险龙与地下城:黑暗联盟/Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance查看
- 策略站棋环形帝国战术/Circle Empires Tactics查看
- 策略站棋法师与魔物/Mage and Monsters查看
- 策略站棋巫族/WITCH RACE查看
- 策略站棋环形帝国竞争者/环形帝国对决/帝国战争循环圈/Circle Empires Rivals查看
- 动作冒险地球黑夜/EarthNight查看
- 策略站棋龙女:烈焰之令/The Dragoness: Command the Flame查看
- 策略站棋无王不成国/No King No Kingdom查看
- 策略站棋幻想大陆战记:卢纳基亚传说/Brigandine The Legend of Runersia查看
- 动作冒险Weaving Tides查看
- 单游戏/DLC怪物猎人:崛起/Monster Hunter RISE查看
- 模拟器整合怪物猎人物语2:破灭之翼/Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin查看
- 单游戏/DLC怪物猎人物语2:破灭之翼/Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin查看
- 1龙之信条2/Dragon's Dogma 2
- 2刺客信条:幻景/Assassin's Creed Mirage
- 3这个游戏在试图杀死我吗?/Is this Game T
- 4心灵杀手2/Alan Wake 2
- 5沉没之地/Sunkenland
- 6遗忘但坚不可摧/Forgotten but Unbroken
- 7荒野大镖客:救赎/Red Dead Redemption
- 8极限竞速:地平线5顶级版/Forza Horizon 5
- 9突袭:二战/RAID: World War II
- 10寂静岭2:重制版/SILENT HILL 2 Remake
- 11财产/失业了,我获得了亿万游戏财产!
- 12开拓者:正义之怒/Pathfinder: Wrath of the R
- 1龙之信条2/Dragon's Dogma 2
- 2刺客信条:幻景/Assassin's Creed Mirage
- 3这个游戏在试图杀死我吗?/Is this Game T
- 4心灵杀手2/Alan Wake 2
- 5沉没之地/Sunkenland
- 6遗忘但坚不可摧/Forgotten but Unbroken
- 7荒野大镖客:救赎/Red Dead Redemption
- 8极限竞速:地平线5顶级版/Forza Horizon 5
- 9突袭:二战/RAID: World War II
- 10寂静岭2:重制版/SILENT HILL 2 Remake
- 11财产/失业了,我获得了亿万游戏财产!
- 12开拓者:正义之怒/Pathfinder: Wrath of the R